

Hello Everyone
Honesty is the only key to success, so, if I ever claimed that I want this blog to succeed, I have to confess, that I'm just a beginner.
Also, I'm not going to waste your time reading these words, I will be excited to get in touch with you, on this blog, or by e-mail.

IFRS Journal????
You can easily Google it. You will find tons of resources for IFRS.
Books magazines, articles and Standards...all of this on the internet, just by one click.
But let me phrase this, there is huge difference between, knowledge, and experience.

So, let us here share our experiences regarding IFRS, their applicability in companies and entities we have worked or audited.

My Name is Andrew Ramses, and I work for Deloitte. I've been eager to develop my knowledge and experience for IFRS and US GAAP, and I Think so many people.

So let us develop our experiences by sharing knowledge and practice here, but in a way that we all can understand.
I face this, many resources are overwhelming, complicated, and lacks practical implementation.
So why don't we create our community and start sharing our experiences in a way that we all understand.

Let us begin, and show at your work, that you are capable of dealing with the most complicated IFRS standards ....in a very simple way.

That's for Intro, and the later posts will be about IAS 16, Property, plant and Equipment...not just knowledge...but in Practice.

Yours all the Time

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